Pregnant 10 Months After C Section

Pregnancy is an exciting journey, but for women who become pregnant 10 months after C section, it can bring unique challenges. This blog explores the essential aspects of early post-C-section pregnancies, including the risks, precautions, and steps to ensure a healthy...

Perimenopause at 38

Entering perimenopause at 38 can be a surprising and challenging experience. Perimenopause is the time before menopause when estrogen levels start to drop. This stage can last for several years. During perimenopause, you might experience symptoms similar to...

Understanding Postpartum Depression and Breastfeeding

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a complex, multifaceted condition. It affects many new mothers after childbirth. This condition encompasses a range of emotional, psychological, and physical challenges. These challenges can severely impact a mother’s ability to bond...

Hair Loss 5 Months Postpartum

Are you experiencing hair loss 5 months postpartum? You’re not alone. According to the American Pregnancy Association, it is a common concern among new mothers. It affects up to 60% of women during this period. This phenomenon, known as postpartum...

1 Year After UFE

Imagine looking at your life 1 year after UFE procedure. How does it impact your health and quality of life? Uterine fibroid embolization is a procedure for shrinking noncancerous tumors in the uterus known as uterine fibroids. Dr. Himali Maniar, an expert...

Understanding & Managing Thyroid Problems During Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings joy and anticipation, along with health challenges. Among these, thyroid problems are prevalent. Both overactive and underactive thyroid can impact the mother and baby. If you are navigating thyroid problems during pregnancy, you are not alone. This...